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My Story
Jeff Fearnside is the author of two full-length books—the essay collection Ships in the Desert (SFWP) and the short-story collection Making Love While Levitating Three Feet in the Air (Stephen F. Austin State University Press)—and two chapbooks: A Husband and Wife Are One Satan (Orison Books) and Lake, and Other Poems of Love in a Foreign Land (Standing Rock Cultural Arts). His stories, essays, and poems have appeared widely in literary journals and anthologies such as The Paris Review, Los Angeles Review, Story, The Pinch, Forest Under Story: Creative Inquiry in an Old-Growth Forest (University of Washington Press), and Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet (Press 53). Fearnside lived in Central Asia for four years and has taught writing and literature in Kazakhstan and at various institutions in the U.S., currently Oregon State University.